
The Bnei Menashe website


A site dedicated to The Bene Israel Jews of West India


The Israeli Consulate in Mumbai produced :The Jewish Route of Bombay/Mumbai – Eminent Jewish sites in Mumbai, Pune and Konkan​

India’s Jewish Heritage: Ritual, Art, and Life-Cycle
By Shalva Weil

New Delhi: Marg publications, 2002; 3rd edition 2009

Available from Amazon

India’s Bene Israel: A Comprehensive Inquiry and Sourcebook
By Shirley Berry Isenberg

Available from Amazon

Studies of Indian Jewish Ancestry by Nathan Katz

Available from Amazon

Children of Israel: The Bene Israel of Bombay (Pavilion)
By Schifra Strizower

Available from Amazon

Bene Israel Tales
By B.B.Dandekar

Available from A. B. Literary House

David Rahabi

By B.B.Dandekar

A historical novel about the discovery of Jews in India in the twelfth century by an Egyptian trader in precious stones.

Available from A. B. Literary House